Were dinosaurs cold-blooded or warm-blooded animals?
The scientific community still argues on issue whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded or warm-blooded animals and now the latest research coming from the Australian scientists at the University of Adelaide has added further stir to this debate.
Professor Roger Seymour from the University of Adelaide believes that the answer to this issue may lie in fossil dinosaur bones.
Professor Seymour's main idea was to make the parallel between the humans and the dinosaurs. Human thigh bones have tiny holes - called "nutrient foramen" - on the shaft that supply blood to living bone cells inside. The scientists discovered that the size of these holes is related to the maximum rate that a person can be active during aerobic exercise and based on this Professor Seymour evaluated the activity levels of dinosaurs.
Cold-blooded creatures are less active, kind of sluggish, while warm-blooded creatures show increased level of activity.
By making this analogy between the nutrient foramens Seymour discovered that dinosaurs were in fact even more active than the mammals and this is the result which certainly wasn't expected.
This latest research therefore gives more credential to the theory that dinosaurs were warm-blooded and highly active creatures and will certainly open the door for even more lively discussions on this topic.
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